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The Russians invaded Tomek’s part of Poland on his 18th birthday.

This is one of those stories that have been conveniently forgotten in all the commemorations of D-Day. When Germany attacked Poland in 1939 the Russians attacked from the West. There followed mass executions and summary transportation to Siberian gulags for those who were regarded by Stalin as enemies of the state.

We follow Tomek through the hard labour, abuse, mock executions, interrogations  and torture, enduring temperatures as low as -60C. Unaware of the amnesty for Polish POWs when Hitler attacked Russia, he embarks on a dangerous journey to  Iran where he joins the RAF.

After training in the UK he meets his future wife Angela only to be thrown into the last desperate months of flying through intense flak to destroy SS headquarters, armoured columns and enemy transport, shooting down a Focke Wulf 190 along the way.

VE Day is his final betrayal as he will never return to his homeland.


‘Gulag to Spitfire’ is published by The History Press and available online through all good bookshops.

About This Book

Gulag To Spitfire

One man’s escape from a Siberian Gulag to flying Spitfires in World War II
Published by The History Press
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